Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Yes, We Can Fix the Maintenance Crisis!

Engineering and Maintenance Professionals:

Engineers week is coming up and most of us probably have not had the opportunity to speak to kids. I hope that you and other step up to the challenge to help us open more young minds to opportunities in the enginnering and maintenance profession. Feel free to use this powerpoint as a guide and feel free to add or modify to reflect your views.
To view the presentation, visit
Above is a link where I participated in a daylong career day. After hearing me give the 5 minute powerpoint overview about 300 8th graders got the chance to get on SkillTV. They had to stand on some bleachers to be filmed.

Well, as you know there is always “one” in a crowd. This kid at the end of video wanted to get on SkillTV at the last minute and runs up to the bleachers to stand beside the pretty girls. He forgot to focus on the first step and went flying head first into the gym’s concrete wall. He is ok and actually set up a great statement encouraging more of us to mentor kids (even girl crazy knuckleheads need mentors)

Thought you might enjoy the laugh and hope that you leverage that powerpoint to help us fill up the pipeline with future workers. Yes, we can fix the Maintenance Crisis!
Best Wishes
Joel Leonard

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