Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cruise-In showcases skilled talent and refurbished treasures

Each month the small town of Oakboro, NC hosts the largest Cruise-in Burnout in the state. During event, hobbyists show off their refurbished vehicles and socialize. Later several thousand people gather to watch the Burnout-- where participants drive their vehicles to a police officer. The officer informs them to be safe then they press their pedals for the gas and brakes at the same time thus driving their back or in some cases front tires into a ferocious spin. The friction from the specially poured concrete pad burns off the tire rubber thus creating a huge plume of smoke to the delight the cheering crowd.

Yes, this is not exactly intellectual entertainment, but it is more interesting than watching TV. What is even more interesting is that amongst the throngs of spectators and participants many of these people possess and raw and transferrable skills needed to maintain our reliability performance.

As opposed to paying thousands of dollars for advertizing skilled jobs, HR departments would be better served to attend a local cruise in where they could attract some very capable resources to help fix their businesses forward.

Happen to overhear 2 boys on a truck bed boast that they did not have to go to school this upcoming year because they were so bored they quit at the 9th grade. I quickly went over and informed them and their girlfriends if they were not pursuing academics that it would very smart for them to pursue some vocational education and gave them specific instructions on how to prepare themselves for higher levels of income. At first they were embarrased but after hearing me passionately empathize and offer advice, they and their friends for were very appreciative.

If more of us make the effort to bother, more of our youth will not get lost in poverty, drugs, crime, and be able to make a positive contribution. So what are you doing to fix the maintenance crisis?

Apologize if this sounds preachy, but as you can tell I am just getting us revved up to fix it forward.

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